
Become A Steward

There are several ways to volunteer with our stewardship team! Depending on your experience and level of interest in leadership, here are the opportunities currently available:

General Stewardship Volunteer Position

Stewards of all levels and backgrounds can join us for individual events at several parks throughout Washington County!

We provide refreshments and tools, as well as detailed instructions and guidance on how to accomplish our designated tasks. These tasks can include removing invasive species such as holly, ivy, or blackberry! It can also include planting native species like Oregon Grape, thimbleberry, salmonberry, and more! If you are interested in joining one of these projects, you can register for an event here. If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer and Restoration Manager, Erik Horngren, at

Restoration Crew Leader Volunteer Position

TRK is seeking enthusiastic volunteers with strong leadership skills who are interested in advancing their stewardship knowledge.

The Restoration Crew Leader position is open to volunteers with any level of experience in habitat restoration, as we offer a comprehensive series of training sessions and hands-on learning  to become certified as a Restoration Crew Leader. Once certified, Crew Leaders will shadow a staff member or fellow Restoration Crew Leader at an event and lead their own small group of volunteers. Before leading volunteer crews, we ask that Restoration Leaders show knowledge of stewardship topics and techniques as well as agility in leading community members with differing backgrounds in stewardship.  For more information, please review this sheet, or contact our Restoration Crew Leader program manager, Erik Horngren, at