Restoration & Stewardship

At Tualatin Riverkeepers, we believe that everyone deserves safe, accessible, clean water. Our restoration work along the river and tributaries is a main priority, and we partner with a number of agencies and programs to restore this beautiful place. 

We have cultivated partnerships to select five parks in our watershed that are our primary focus for these restoration projects. If you’d like to learn more about these sites, they can be found here. We hold projects in these sites throughout the year, with winter and spring focusing on removal of invasive species. We transition to planting native species in the fall in the recently relieved areas.  

Our restoration projects can consist of corporate or school groups, or they may be open to the general public. For our general public events, you do not need to have any experience or background in restoration to come out and make a difference. We bring the tools and supplies and will guide you through the entire process.

It is our goal with these projects not only to create a healthier environment in order to improve the community’s recreational spaces and drinking water, but also to help these ecosystems to be more climate adaptive so they continue to serve their neighborhoods for generations to come.

Native vs Non-native vs Invasive Species


Found in an ecosystem as a product of natural processes like natural distribution, generally been around a long time.


Species that are not native to the area but “play nicely” with the native species and can cohabitate.


A non-native species that does not play well with the ecosystem. Tends to take over and suffocate native species.