Building Healthy Soils for Healthy Communities: Moss, Mycelium, Pollinators, and Pollution

May 29th, 2024
6:00PM - 7:15PM
@ Swallowtail Waldorf School and Farm

Moss and mycelium are two underappreciated parts of our landscape that we can learn from to build healthier communities. With biological soil health practices, we can eliminate the use of chemicals in our landscapes and build nature’s capacity to mitigate pollution. Come learn what you can do in your backyard and to advocate for soil health that builds regenerative systems in our communities.

Our presenter is Kieran Sikdar. As a Certified Floodplain Manager, Kieran is a water harvesting professional, permaculture designer, and Soil Food Web student. He works to enhance water quality and water security through program development, design, management, policy, stakeholder engagement, and training. My focus spans from the home-scale to the basin-scale in watershed planning and engineering design, centering regenerative solutions with Green Infrastructure. 

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